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Cara membuat USB Bootable windows di Linux Ubuntu Lts 14.04

Open a terminal and use the following command for 32 bit system:
wget https://launchpad.net/~colingille/+archive/freshlight/+files/winusb_1.0.11+saucy1_i386.deb
For 64 bit systems, use the command below:
wget https://launchpad.net/~colingille/+archive/freshlight/+files/winusb_1.0.11+saucy1_amd64.deb
Once you have downloaded the correct binaries, you can install WinUSB using the command below:
sudo dpkg -i winusb*
Don’t worry if you see error when you try to install WinUSB. Fix the dependency errors with this command:
sudo apt-get -f install
Afterwards, you can search for WinUSB in Unity Dash and use it to create a live USB of Windows in Ubuntu 14.04.
WinUSB in Ubuntu 14.04
I hope this quick post helped you to install WinUSB in Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 and Linux Mint 17.

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